Abuki 50 SL

Abuki 50 SL

Wereng Terkendali Lebih Lama

Bahan aktif : bispiribak sodium 100 g/l

Herbisida selektif, sistemik purna tumbuh berbentuk pekatan suspensi, berwarna putih susu, untuk mengendalikan gulma berdaun lebar, gulma berdaun sempit dan Teki pada pertanaman Padi

Longer Controlled Slopes

Active ingredients : Sodium Bispyribac 100 g/l

Selective herbicide, systemic after growth in the form of suspension concentrate, milky white in color, to control broadleaf weeds, narrow leaf weeds and Teki in rice plantations.

insecticide agro chemical products chilli orange potato manggo corn paddy rice insektisida